
Stories from some of the remarkable individuals who’ve worked and practised – and lived and died – within the Triratna Buddhist Community over its 50-year history.

Where Grey Is Just the Silver Untransformed

Where Grey Is Just the Silver Untransformed

by Sahajatara, an autobiography

from a review: “A fevered dream, acutely real, raw and lyrical–like all great underbelly prose. The work of an Artist in a way that is not defined by any particular form: it’s more like something about her essence or nature and her way of being in the world. There is something of her which exists apart from the world, pure and visionary; and something which is embedded in the world, soulful and compassionate. These two aspects, contained within her name, bring a sort of prophetic quality to her Art in the sense of an expression of what is sacred or holy in the midst of human life, its pain and beauty. Through darkness she is sustained by a tender devotion to a lineage of teachers and muses who bring life and light to her imaginal world. Her writing is raw and honest, poetic and reverential, passionate and touched by a kind of grace.”

173 pages, available in paperback or kindle

Buddhism in Aotearoa New Zealand: A personal journey

Buddhism in Aotearoa New Zealand: A personal journey

by Purna

Nobody but Purna could have written this book, and it is a real treasure. He has been a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order in Aotearoa New Zealand since very early days, and has taken on the role of local Order historian. The book’s subtitle is A Personal Journey, and it’s full of Purna’s own rich personal memories and reflections. They’re fascinating to read. He even pauses to ponder on what could be said to be distinctive about Triratna Buddhism here, so far from Adhisthana or Bodhgaya. So is there anything that’s unique? Purna thinks so – very tentatively – and his insights make absorbing reading.

103 pages, available in paperback or kindle

The Return Journey: From Catholicism to Buddhism, A Personal Odyssey

by Abhaya

An honest, absorbing account of the author’s spiritual journey from Catholicism to Buddhism.  Written in a delightful literary style using quotes, myth and Dharma explanations, the book takes us beyond the purely personal into something which in our different ways we are all dealing with. Born into a strict Catholic family, Abhaya spent 8 years in a seminary. Eventually, disillusioned with Christianity, he discovered Buddhism and never looked back. He writes a very clear account of meeting Sangharakshita, his Dharma teacher and helping set up a new Buddhist movement, the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order, or FWBO, now the Triratna Buddhist Community. A must-read for anyone on the path of truth and freedom, especially for those interested in the early years of setting up the FWBO.

308 pages. Available in paperback and kindle.

My Wayward Way: Confessions of a Privileged White Dharma Bum

 by Saccaka

A sweeping chronicle of one man’s journey — both geographically and spiritually — from southern Africa to the English countryside, from youth to old age, and from disillusionment with the grand narratives of religions and Western philosophy to a gradual conversion to an advanced, philosophically-oriented form of Buddhism, which grants him a contemplative distance from the political chaos, especially of Africa, but without having to give up on human compassion.  A robust account of a life well-lived.

243 pages, available in paperback and kindle.

Bridge over Turbulent Waters, an autobiography

Bridge over Turbulent Water, an autobiography by Dharmika

by Dharmika

A connected account of a journey from age 0-43ish, with appendices, of the being known as Dharmika, a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order. It tries to be a concise and objective account of a sojourn, and is based on memory insofar as that is ever possible. It is a simplistic series of recollections, trying to make sense of and to share with others how life conditions us, and a reminder to be wary of various pitfalls, to somehow reduce self-clinging, and come back to one’s own true nature, opening to the light of gradual or sudden awakening, as may be symbolised by the unfolding of a White Lotus…

304 pages, available in paperback and kindle.

The Sound of One Hand

by Satyadasa

An honest, humorous and refreshing account of Buddhist culture emerging in the West, seen through the eyes of Satyadasa – a young man born with a missing hand.

312 pages. Available in paperback and on kindle.

Unfolding: How I became a Buddhist and what I did next

An intimate account of Padmasuri’s early life, which captures the flavour of the times she lived through, from 1950s vicarages to a bohemian living in Tuscany, training as a nurse, travelling the overland hippie trail to Kathmandu, and working as a midwife in Cornwall. Then she became a Buddhist.

Her life in the Triratna Buddhist Community is also a sort of history of the ups and downs of a young Buddhist movement growing up in the 1970s and 80s up to the present day. A life unfolding in surprising directions, filled with people, candour, and humour, told in a simple and engaging way.

Available from Padmasuri, the author.  Contact Triratna InHouse for details.

Planting a Seed

by Manjuvajra

In 1980 three men from the UK went to the USA to establish a new Buddhist movement. They had neither charisma, the backing of a traditional order, financial support, or experience, but they did have enthusiasm, confidence and naiveté. Planting a Seed traces the development of the Triratna Buddhist Community in the USA for its first 15 years – but it is also a story which illuminates the personal struggle involved in such a project. The book also offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of American Buddhism in the 1980s and 90s.

436 pages. Available in paperback.

Broken Voices: Untouchable Women speak out

by Vimalasara

These previously undocumented stories reveal the lives of the Dalit—or untouchable— women in India, by highlighting the continuing issues of human rights and discrimination. Recording such experiences as working in rice fields and living in slums, this work includes oral histories and covers a wide range of topics, including dowry burnings, marriages, beggars, human traffickers, and political and social activists.

Available on Paperback or Kindle.

A Rejoicing in Devapriya

Being a Rejoicing in Devapriya, by his many Friends, and Fellow Members of the Triratna Buddhist Order, following his death in 2012.

Available in hardback and on issuu.

Introducing the Triratna Buddhist Order – Vol.3

A series of moving portraits of over 450 individuals from all over the world who joined the Triratna Buddhist Order between 2006 and early 2012. Compiled with consent from Shabda, the Order’s confidential monthly journal.  With photographs, explanations of their Buddhist names, and full index.

613 pages. Available in hardback and kindle formats.

Steps to Happiness: Traveling from Depression and Addiction to the Buddhist Path

by Taranatha

A moving recovery story of a professional family man working through depression and alcoholism towards Buddhism. Taranatha (Robin Hardwick-Smith) trained as a doctor in New Zealand and London. His is an “everyman” tale of a family man pursuing a caring profession yet losing care for himself in it all. He movingly tells of his struggle through depression, alcoholism, over-identification with work as a GP, a sense of worthlessness – to find and embrace Buddhism. Honest, sometimes sad, often entertaining, full of personal stories which resonate with many of us, his story rings true – and offers hope.

192 pages. Available in paperback.

On the First Rung

by Buddhadasa

by Buddhadasa

Now a senior member of the Triratna Buddhist Order, Buddhadasa writes of the circumstances leading up to his ordination into the Western Buddhist Order, telling of his formative spiritual experiences whilst on solitary retreat in the wilds of Northern Scotland, his subsequent return to the South of England and how he began to share responsibility for the welfare of the spiritual community of which he had become a member.

72 pages. Available in paperback.

A Year of Silence

by Kiranada

The remarkable story of one woman’s year alone, on solitary retreat on a remote precipice in New Zealand. Isolation, cold, hunger, elemental winds from Antarctic, screams in the night; all of these she survives with deep reflections, observations and insights.

Available in paperback.

Pilgrimage to Anywhere

by Rijumati

Hoping to rediscover his deeper purpose, Rijumati, an English Buddhist teacher and businessman, embarked on a journey into the unknown: a round-the-world trip by land and sea that became a kind of pilgrimage. Months – and many crises – later he returned with new reverence for ordinary people and places, a sense of veneration for nature’s wonders and a profound gratitude for being human.

305 pages.  Available in paperback.

Confessions of a Transvestite Buddhist: A Quest for Manhood

by Devamitra

A frank and open account of an experienced Buddhist working with and through his desire to crossdress as a woman.

272 pages, available in paperback.

Crap I’ve got Cancer: The sad, somewhat funny, definitely not depressing cancer memoir

by Suvarnaprabha

From the introduction: “Through all the medical appointments and appearances of Nurse Jackie, the journeys and movie recommendations, her delight in good friends, the moments of sadness, stoicism, drama and farce, the underlying theme of this story, as I’m sure you’ll agree, is not really ‘cancer’, or ‘death’ at all, but love.

This book also brings together Suvanna’s writings on a variety of subjects related to her reflections on cancer.

Available in paperback and kindle formats.


Triratna InHouse Publications aims to showcase the amazing range of talent within our community and Order, at least as expressed in literary form.  We offer Dharma, personal stories, literature and poetry, translations and more…

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